. Another word for a band is a .......... *

1 бал

a) concert

b) conductor

c) group

d) cellist

2. Someone who plays the drums is a ......... *

1 бал

a) pianist

B) drumer

C) guitarist

D) drummer

3. The most important singer is the......... singer *

1 бал

a) single

B) lead

C) band

D) solo

4. You can ....... music from the Internet *

1 бал

a) listen

B) read

C) do

D) download

5. The Beatles first became well ........ in the 1960s. *

1 бал

a) known

B) interesting

C) famous

D) organized

6. They are keen .... music. *

1 бал

a) about

B) in

C) on

D) with

7. "to lean over" means: *

1 бал

a) нахилятися

B) впасти

C) заспівати в дуеті

D) плакати

Open the brackets: (make Passive Voice) 8. The dog ....... (to take) for a walk an hour ago.

1 бал
Open the brackets: (make Passive Voice) 8. The dog ....... (to take) for a walk an hour ago.

1 бал

Ваша відповідь

9. The children .....(to tell) to be quiet at the library yesterday.

1 бал

Ваша відповідь

10. The museum .....(to visit) by thousands of people every day

1 бал
11.English .....(to teach) at school.

1 бал

Ваша відповідь

12. What name .......( to write) at the top of the page?

Ваша відповідь


Ответ дал: zhandarovaas


1. c







8.was taken

9.were told

10.is visited

11.is taught

12.is written

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