1. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. If she weren't so lazy, she (become) a brilliant student. 2. I am not sure what I am doing tonight, but if I go out, I (phone) you. 3. If Steve hadn't bought a lottery ticket, he (not/win) $1 million. 4. If you heat water it (boil). 5. If I had a million dollars, I (buy) yacht. 6. Dairy products keep longer if you (put) them into the fridge. 7. She would not have stolen the food if her child_ (not/be) hungry. 8. I wish I _(can) speak Spanish! 9. If Jack had studied hard, he (pass) the exam. 10. He is a very wise person.

I (speak) to him if I were you. 2. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. 1) If she doesn't do her homework, 2) If I could travel to any country of the world, I 3) They wouldn't have missed their flight if 3. ​


Ответ дал: zhandarovaas



1.would become

2.will phone

3.wouldn't have won


5.would buy


7.hadn't been


9.would have passed

10.would speak


1.If she doesn't do her homework she will get bad grades

2.If I could travel to any country of the world I would go to France.

3.They wouldn't have missed their flight if they had  reached the airport on time

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