12. Choose the correct tense forms.

Linda ... the computer for five hours, but she ... it yet.

a) is repairing , hasn't repaired
b) had been repairing, hasn't repaired
c) has repaired, didn't repair
d) is repairing, didn't repair
e) has been repairing, hasn't repaired

13. Choose the correct tense forms.

Mr. Finch ... money for three years before he ... a new house.

a) has been sawing, bought
b) was saving, bought
c) saved, had bought
d) had been saving, bought
e) has saved, had bought

14. Choose the correct tense forms. Aydan ... up before the guests ... .

a) washes, left
b) had washed, leave
c) has washed, left
d) washed, had left
e) had washed, left


Ответ дал: 9669superlena


12. е

13. d

14. e


поставь как лучший ответ пожалуйста

Ответ дал: Аноним


12. Choose the correct tense forms.

Linda ... the computer for five hours, but she ... it yet.

e) has been repairing, hasn't repaired

13. Choose the correct tense forms.

Mr. Finch ... money for three years before he ... a new house.

b) was saving, bought

14. Choose the correct tense forms. Aydan ... up before the guests ... .

e) had washed, left

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