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A traveller was queuing at the desk in the lobby of a Washington hotel. He was in a hurry. He had only ten minutes to pay his bill and reach the station. "The queue is moving more (SLOW) than I expected" , he thought. Suddenly, he remembered that he had forgotten something. He called the bell-boy and said (POLITE), "Run up to room 48 and see whether I left a box on the table. Do it (QUICK), I am in a hurry". The boy run up the stairs. Five minutes passed and the gentleman was walking up and down (PATIENTLY). At last the boy came back. "Yes, sir", he said with an (differ) face, "Yes, sir, you left it there. It's on the table. It is (SAFE) to leave your things alone, sir..."


Ответ дал: Maru2798


1. Slowly

2. Impolitely

3. Quickly

4. Impatiently

5. Careworn

6. Unsafe

TRIVAG0: так там в 5 не care, a differ
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