Complete the text with a, an, the or - (no article). Поставить в пробелы артикли a,an,the. Помогите пж
My grandparents live in ___ beautiful cottage near ___ sea. ___ cottage is in ___ small village called frimpton. It's ___ quiet place - there aren't any cafés or restaurants. But there's ___ primary school and a church. My grandparents' cottage is next to ___ tourists often visit frimpton, especially when ___ weather is nice in ___ summer.​


Ответ дал: nogeky
  1. a.
  2. the.
  3. The.
  4. a.
  5. a.
  6. a.
  7. -
  8. the.
  9. the.

Ответ дал: cheezymillipede


1. a

2. the

3. -

4. a

5. a

6. the

7. a

8. ээ не понимаю, кажется тут пропущено слово

9. the

10. -


вроде правильно ‍♂️

cheezymillipede: а ой упс-
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