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Внимательно прочитай вопросы по теме «Забота о здоровье»
1. How many PE lessons do you have at school? What do you usually do at PE lessons?
We have PE lessons twice a week. We usually _____________________
2. What do you usually do when you have health problems?
3. What food should you eat to be healthy?
4. What food shouldn’t you eat to be healthy?
5. How often do you do your morning exercises?
6. Do you go in for sports?
7. To be healthy everyone should follow some rules. What are they?


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. We  have PE lessons twice a week. We usually run, jump, play different sport games at the PE lessons.

2. When I usually have health problems I go to see a doctor.

3. I should eat fish, meat and much more vegetables and fruit to be healthy.

4. I shouldn't ear junky food.

5. I do my morning exercises every day.

6. Yes, I do.

7. We should do more exercises and air our roon regularly,  we shouldn't  eat fatty food, we should not smoke and drink alchogol


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