Задание№2. Вставьте вместо точек глагол to have в Present Simple и притяжательное местоимение his, her, my, their, our. Переведите предложения.
1. I … got a hammer. This is … hammer.
2. We … got a motorcycle. It’s … motorcycle.
3. They… got a tape measure. It’s … tape measure.
4. He …got a saw. This is … saw.
5. Jenny … got many bolts. They are … bolts.


Ответ дал: bulggg

Ответ: 1. I have got a hammer. This is my hammer.
2. We have got a motorcycle. It`s our motorcycle
3. They have got a tape measure. It`s their tape measure
4. He has got a saw. This is his saw
5. Jenny has got many bolts. They are her bolts.


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