IV. Complete with western, dates, mythical, palace, wounde, fire, 1. Dragons breathed ... from their mouth 2. The Phoenix could heal a person's ..... with their tears, 3. Mike likes... films with cowboya and Indians in them. 4. The myth of Atlantis ..... back to 335 DC, 3. The king lived in a beautiful... 6. Centaurs were ... Creatures



Ответ дал: nunny

IV. Complete with western, dates, mythical, palace, wounds, fire.

1. Dragons breathed .fire.. from their mouths.

2. The Phoenix could heal a person's ...wounds.. with their tears.

3. Mike likes..western. films with cowboys and Indians in them.

4. The myth of Atlantis ..dates... back to 335 DC.

5. The king lived in a beautiful.. palace.

6. Centaurs were ..mythical. creatures.

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