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Ответ дал: maryjane230207


1. He said (that) that work would take little time.

2. Little Anthony said (that) he took his little sister to school every day.

3. Nonna said (that) I might take her text book.

4. Ann said (that) her parents would be back at 3.

5. She said (that) the couple had argeed to meet at six.

6. Mary said (that) she didn't like chocolate.

7. Jimmy said (that) he wasn't married.

8. His brother said (that) Mike would do exercise later.

9. John said (that) the privious day (или the day before) he had seen Mary in the street.

10. Students said (that) they would have examinations next year.

11. Petra said (that) she couldn't read those books.

12. The journalist said (that) Mike had been a famous sportsman.


(that) — это значит можно использовать или не использовать, правильно будет и с ним, и без него.

(или the day before) — это альтернатива "the previous day", потому что я должна дать вам все варианты.

Для дополнительных заданий или проверки, можно использовать специальные таблицы по косвенной речи (reported speech).


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