Г 3. Напишите вопросы и ответы, используя глаголы в скобочках. 2 ейсенбі Seisenbi 6 they 1. Is he making (make) a cake? – Yes, he is. 2. he (listen) to music? - 3. (sleep)? - they (talk)? - 5. she (drink)? - they (play) music? - 4. 6.​



Ответ дал: Xakerrr2309


Is he listening to music? No, he isn't.

Are they sleeping? Yes, they are.

Are they talking? No, they aren't.

Is she drinking? No, she isn't.

Are they playing music? Yes? they are.

sodolevaa0308: СПАСИБО БОЛЬШОЕЕЕ!!
Xakerrr2309: Не за что, рада помочь)
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