Task 8. Fill in the gap with the right tense of the verb. Annie (like) to walk on the mountain. During the week she (wake up) early and (go) for a small walk. She usually (go) with her father and brother. She (like) to get some fresh air. She (live) in the city. She always (take) the bus at 8:30 a.m. and (arrive) at school at 9:00 a.m. Her father (take) his car and (go) to town to work. He (work) at a clinic. He (love) animals. They (like) to go to the mountain on the week end and (see) the animals. Annie (stay) there for about three hours with her family. Annie's family (love) nature.​



Ответ дал: madinaasamuddinova


  • likes
  • woke up,went
  • goes
  • likes
  • takes, arrives
  • took, went
  • works
  • loves
  • like, see
  • stayed
  • loves
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