Помогите пожалуйста с английским Срочно ребятки



Ответ дал: kotya6516
2. A: New York is very crowded.
B: Yes, but Tokyo is much more crowded than New York.
A:Mexico City is the most crowded of all three.
3. A: the Hilton is very luxurious.
B: Yes, but the Sheraton is much more luxurious than the Hilton
A: the Ritz is the most luxurious of all three
4. A: London is very old .
B: Yes, but the Rome is much more old than the London.
A: Athens is the most old of all three
5. A: the Sudan is very sunny.
B: Yes, but the Egypt is much more sunny than the Sudan.
A: Arizona is the most sunny of all three
6. A: cars is very noisy.
B: Yes, but the trains is much more noisy than the cars
A: Aeroplanes is the most noisy of all three

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