Correct the mistakes. SOME / ANY / MUCH / MANY / A LOT OF (речення писати повністю)
There are much apples. *
There is many bread on the table. *
How much people are there in your office? *
Are there some eggs in the fridge? *
There is many potatoes in the vegetable garden. *
There are any tomatoes and cucumbers. *
Let’s have any lunch. *
There isn`t some cheese. *
There is many water in the swimming pool. *
We don’t have many food in the house. *
John will have much exams next year. *
They saw many snow in the mountain


Ответ дал: Пеппер

There are many apples. *

There is some bread on the table. *

How many people are there in your office? *

Are there any eggs in the fridge? *

There is a lot of potatoes in the vegetable garden. *

There are some tomatoes and cucumbers. *

Let’s have some lunch. *

There isn`t any cheese. *

There is much water in the swimming pool. *

We don’t have much food in the house. *

John will have a lot of exams next year. *

They saw much snow in the mountain.

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