даю 25 нужно срочно сделав в утвердительном вопросительном и отрицательном времени We (to play) chess with Tomas yesterday.
Natalie (to stay) at the hotel.
She (not to know) my address.
They (to see) something interesting.
I (not to understand) those words.
You (to hear) the order.
Our parents (not to trust) doctors.
Helen (to have) an idea.
He (not to feel) any difference.
I (to know) it!


Ответ дал: albinatitova069


was playing chess yesterday at 5.

We were playing chess yesterday at 5.

You were playing chess yesterday at 5.

You were playing chess yesterday at 5.

He / she / it was playing chess yesterday at 5.

They were playing chess yesterday at 5.

Табл 1. Утвер­ди­тель­ные пред­ло­же­ния во вре­ме­ни PastContinuous

Во­про­си­тель­ные пред­ло­же­ния:

Was I playing chess yesterday at 5?

Were we playing chess yesterday at 5?

Were you playing chess yesterday at 5?

Were you playing chess yesterday at 5?

Was he / she / it playing chess yesterday at 5?

Were they playing chess yesterday at 5?

Табл 2. Во­про­си­тель­ные пред­ло­же­ния во вре­ме­ни Past Continuous

От­ри­ца­тель­ные пред­ло­же­ния:

I was not playing chess yesterday at 5.

We were not playing chess yesterday at 5.

You were not playing chess yesterday at 5.

You were not playing chess yesterday at 5.

He /she/it was not playing chess yesterday at 5.

They were not playing chess yesterday at 5.

Ответ дал: zxcrysoul
We played
We didn’t play
Did we play?

Natalie stay
Natalie doesn’t stay
Does Natalie stay?

She know
She doesn’t know
Does she know?

They see
They don’t see
Do they see?

I understand
I don’t understand
Do i understand?

You hear
You don’t hear
Do you hear?

Our parents trust
Our parents don’t trust
Do our parents trust?

Helen have
Helen doesn’t have
Does Helen have?

He feel
He doesn’t feel
Does he feel?

I know
I don’t know
Do i know?
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