Complete the sentences with the correct verb form in the Present Continuous tense.
50 баллов!

Look at him! He _________________ (smile) at us.

I _________________ (not/wash) the dishes, I _________________ (hoover).

Why _________________ (they/lie) on the ground? – Because they _________________ (enjoy) the sunny weather today.

I´m lucky today because I _________________ (win) each game.

Don´t disturb us, please. We _________________ (write) a story.

They aren´t at home. They _________________ (run).

She _________________ (always/lose) her keys, it´s so annoying!

I _________________ (bake) a surprise cake for you now.​


Ответ дал: akkmuzyka0


is smiling,I am not washing, I am hoovering, are they lying, are enjoying, am winning, are writing, are running, always loses(always показатель времени Present Simple, я не вижу в чем здесь ошибка, я даже репетитору своему показала) , am baking.

Ответ дал: mxdnjdjdjek


1. he is smiling

2. i am not washing.i am hoovering

3. are they lying . are enjoying

4. i am winning

5. we are writing

6. are running

7. is always losing baking

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