Ex C. Fill in the correct word: has, makes, plays, delivers, repairs, wakes. 1. When there are problems with our car, my dad ______________ it. 2. Helen is a secretary, and she ___________________phone calls. 3. Our postman usually ___________________letters in the morning. 4. Mike usually ___________up late on Sundays. 5. Emma never __________ dinner after 7 o`clock in the evening. 6. In summer, Jane _______________ with her dog in the garden.


Ответ дал: styles23
1. Repairs
2. Makes
3. Delivers
4. Wakes
5. Has
6. Plays

sadykovanatalya2004: Спасибо большое
Ответ дал: versachexdior

1. When there are problems with our car, my dad repairs it. 2. Helen is a secretary, and she makes phone calls. 3. Our postman usually delivers letters in the morning. 4. Mike usually wakes up late on Sundays. 5. Emma never has dinner after 7 o`clock in the evening. 6. In summer, Jane plays with her dog in the garden.

sadykovanatalya2004: Спасибо огромное
versachexdior: и вам тоже Спасибо❤
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