❗Помогите, пожалуйста ❗

Раскройте скобки.

1. When I opened the refrigerator, I noticed the meat ... (SPOIL).
2. The bathtub overflowed while she ... (TALK) on the phone.
3. My mother ... (COOK) supper for two hours when I got home.
4. Since her father's death, she ... (GO) through a lot of hardships.
5. I'm looking for Tom and Mary. ... you ... (SEE) them?
6. At the beginning, he ... (NOT BELIEVE) it at all.
7. I met some friends while I ... (WAIT) for a bus.
8. Japanese industry ... (MAKE) great advances since the war.
9. He ... (WORK) on his novel for six months when we visited him. Tom?
10. When ... you... (START) working for Tom? ​


Ответ дал: eleoonorka22



1 had spoiled

2 was talking

3 had been cooking

4 has gone

5 have you seen

6 didn't believe

7 was waiting

8 has made

9 had been working

10 did ... start


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