Откройте скобки , используя глагол в правильной форме.

1. When you---(to arrive) at the station tomorrow, my parents---( to wait) for you.

2. What time tomorrow---we---( to have) dinner?

3. Don’t phone Sam from 10 till 12 tomorrow. He---(to take) his exam in English.

4. I---(to wear) a black hat, so you can recognize me.

5. The kids----(to sleep) when you----( to come) home.

6. It---(to rain) for 3 more days.

7. Stacy---( to wash) the dishes and her brother---( to help) her.

8. During the crisis all companies--- ( to have) hard times.

9. You---( not, to wait) too long, I’ll come back soon.

10. I---( not, to speak) for another 5 minutes, don’t worry.


Ответ дал: amogus2282949


1) arrive, wait

2) will have

3) takes

4) wear

5) sleep

6) rain

7) washes, helps

8) have

9) don't wait

10) don't speak

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