End sentences with the words "on time" or "on time". 1 bus usually arrives on time... but this time it was too late. 2 the movie was supposed to start at 8.30, but it didn't start 3 train traffic is not very good. trains rarely run... 4 we almost missed our train. we only got to the station... 5 we want to start the meeting, so please don't be late. 6 I just washed this shirt. I want to wear it tonight, so hopefully it will be dry 7. I almost forgot that today is Joe's birthday. fortunately, I remembered... 8 why did you never...? you always keep everyone waiting. 9 it is hoped that the new stadium will be ready for the tournament later this year.​


Ответ дал: nika44852
  1. on time
  2. on time
  3. on time
  4. in time
  5. on time
  6. in time
  7. in time
  8. on time
  9. in time

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