СРОЧНО !!! Нужна помощь с АНГЛИЙСКИМ 10 класс !!!!!!!!! 100 БАЛОВ

Complete the sentences with the missing prepositions.

1 The soup was cold so I sent it——and the waiter apologised.

2 I’ve been checking ——on walking tours we can do on holiday.

3 I’d like to cut down ——the amount of time I spend online.

4 I always treat myself ——-something nice on my birthday.

5 Can you look out ——the hotel ? I’m not sure where it is.

2 Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letters are given.

1 She’s on a very limited b — so she won’t be coming on holiday with us.

2 I often go b—_hunting in sales and charity shops.

3 I used to buy my clothes in that shop but they have a bad r—-for polluting the environment.

4 We support l—producers by avoiding big supermarkets when we can.

5 When she asked me to e—my PIN my mind went blank and I couldn’t remember the numbers.

3 Read the definitions and write the words. The first letters are given.

1 A product that is made in very large quantities -m—p-

2 a material produced by humans and isn’t natural-s-f-

3 something that you buy without planning-i-p-

4 a very cheap price-b-

5 buying things on the Internet rather than in a store-o-s-

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