1. “_ her name Eliza?”
“No, _ .”
A) What / it isn’t B) Is / she isn’t
C) Is / it is not D) Is / it isn’t
2. Is your surname Anderson?
A) Yes, you are. B) Yes, it is.
C) Yes, I am. D) Yes, my is.
3. “Is she American?”
“No, _ .”
A) hers isn’t B) she isn’t C) she is not D) she her isn’t
4. “____ their names Jack & Benny?”
“Yes, _ .”
A) Are / they are B) Aren’t / there are
C) Am / their D) Is / they’re
5. “Is your dog 2 years old?”
“Yes, _ .”
A) it’s B) dog is C) it is D) its
6. “Is your elder brother married?”
“No, _ .”
A) brother isn’t B) he isn’t
C) he is not D) she isn’t
7. “Are you from Senegal?”
“No, _ .”
A) I’m not B) I amn’t C) I are not D) I not
8. “_ Martha English?”
“Yes, she _ .”
A) Is / isn’t B) Are / is C) Is / is D) Are / is
9. “_ her surname Smith?”
“No, it _ .”
A) What / isn’t B) Is / is C) Is / isn’t D) Are / isn’t
10. “Are you a student?”
“Yes, I _ .”
A) am B) have C) is D) ‘m not
11. “_ you from Barcelona?”
“No, I’m not.”
A) Is B) Are C) Do D) Where
12. “_ you married?”
“No, I _ .”
A) Aren’t / am B) Are / am
C) Is / am not D) Are / ’m not
13. “_ is Brenda?”
“She’s Patrick’s wife.”
A) What B) Who C) Which D) Where
14. My teacher’s name _ John.
A) are B) is C) am D) not
15. Marcus and Carlos _ my brothers.
A) is B) am C) are D) be
16. My mother and father _ at work.
A) is B) am C) are D) *
17. It _ Monday today.
A) is B) am C) are D) *
- Verb to be: questions and negatives
- Short answers - Prepositions
- Possessive‘s - Opposite adjectives
- The family - Food and drink
18. This is the photo _ my family.
A) in B) at C) of D) on
19. It’s good practice _ you.
A) for B) at C) of D) in
20. I’m _ home.
A) in B) on C) at D) from
21. I’m _ La Guardia Community College.
A) in B) on C) at D) of
22. I’m _ New York.
A) in B) for C) at D) of
23. I’m _ a class _ eight other students.
A) in / for B) at / of C) in / with D) at / off
24. I live _ an apartment _ two American boys.
A) in / of B) at / with C) in / with D) of/with
25. Central Park is lovely _ the snow.
A) at B) in C) of D) with
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Ответ дал: muhammadumar0212345


1)b 2)c 3)b 4)a 5)a 6)c 7)a 8)c 9)c 10)a 11)b 12)b 13)b 14)b 15)c 16)c 17)a 18)c 19)a 20)c 21)b 22)a 23)c 24)c 25)c

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