4. Let’s talk.Work with a partner .Ask and answer the questions about the picture on p.77
1 Where is the yellow lamp?It is…it is on/next to / between the…and the…
2what colour is the pullover in the bathroom?it…
3.what is there on the table in the living room? There…
4.How many cupboards are there in the kitchen? There…
5. Where is the grey mouse? It is in the… it is..
6.How many pictures are there in the living room?There…
7. What is there on the white wardrobe?There is/ are.. and…
8. Which animal can you see in the bathroom?I can see …

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detgiorl: де малюнок на ст. 77?


Ответ дал: ivanovaarina930


вроде бы должно быть так

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