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Football is the most popular sport in England. In fact, a lot of English people say it is their national sport.
English people have played football for a very long time. However, the game didn’t have any real rules until the 19th century. In 1815, Eton College created rules to make the game less violent and later, in 1848, Cambridge University made many of the modern rules. Football quickly became as popular as other games such as cricket.
Today, there are thousands of football clubs in England, and professional clubs, such as Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester United are famous all over the world.
Football has become part of the cultural life in England and hundreds of thousands of fans support their favourite teams in stadiums around the country every weekend. Many English children have football lessons at school and famous footballers, such as David Beckham and Michael Owen have become role models for a lot of these children.

Аноним: это перевод
Аноним: Футбол — самый популярный вид спорта в Англии. На самом деле, многие англичане говорят, что это их национальный вид спорта.
Англичане играют в футбол очень давно. Однако в игре не было
qarshiavtogaz: ты тоже да
qarshiavtogaz: пишите ребята


Ответ дал: umidcreative310


Football is the most popular sport. English people have played football for a very big time. In 1815, Eton College rules to make the game less violent and later in 1848. Football quickly became as popular. Football has become part of the cultural life in England and hundreds of thousands of fans sport. David Bechham and Michael Owen have become role models for a lot of these children.

ПЕРЕВОД: Футбол – самый популярный вид спорта. Англичане играют в футбол очень долгое время. В 1815 году Итонский колледж принял решение сделать игру менее жестокой, а затем в 1848 году. Футбол быстро стал таким же популярным. Футбол стал частью культурной жизни Англии и сотнями тысяч любителей спорта. Дэвид Бехэм и Майкл Оуэн стали образцами для подражания для многих из этих детей.

Аноним: разве просили перевод и я уже написала
umidcreative310: на всякий случай, просто написал.
umidcreative310: незачто:)))
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