здравствуйте! буду очень рада если вы поможете мне с заданием по passive voice



Ответ дал: slyuda1955
1. The school hall was being prepared for the concert by a group of students.
2. Dark chocolate is believed to be good for our health.
3. The players were brought refreshments after the match.
Refreshments were brought to the players after the match.
4. All the arrangements will be discussed with the mayor (by them)
5. Unwanted glass and plastic items should be put in the recycling bins.

arishapog23: thxn! ⚰️
slyuda1955: )))
Аноним: Добрый вечер не могли бы мне помочь с английским языком пожалуйста
Ответ дал: o501


1 the school hall was being prepared for concert by a group ...

2 it is believed by some people that dark cholate ...

3 the player were brought refreshments by someone after...

4 all the arrangements will be discussed with ...

5 unwanted glass and ... should be put in ...


студенты подготовили зал --> зал был подготовлен студентами

Т.е. читаем предложение, задаем вопрос "что случилось с залом?" и отвечаем в пассивном залоге

o501: мне указали на ошибку - исправил в 1 предложении. сорри
arishapog23: все равно спасибо ~
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