проект на тему сміття
погане для середовища​


Ответ дал: leraaaa1713
Environmental pollution has a negative effect on health. Polluted air can be a source of harmful substances entering the body through the respiratory system. Contaminated water can contain pathogenic microorganisms and hazardous substances. Contaminated soil and groundwater degrade the quality of agricultural food.
Man has long regarded the natural environment mainly as a source of raw materials (resources) needed to meet their needs. At the same time, most of the resources taken from nature are returned to nature in the form of waste. Most of this waste and pollution is generated in cities.
In cities, railways and people are continuously transported by rail and highway. All modes of transport pollute the atmosphere with exhaust gases containing substances harmful to human health.
In every modern city, a lot of industrial and household waste is generated as a result of human activity.
An unpleasant odor spreads over long distances from landfills near cities. A large number of flies, mice and rats, which are carriers of various pathogenic bacteria, breed in landfills.
Human activities lead to constant pollution of the environment: air, natural waters and soils.
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