составить 10 предложений по англискому с future simple

Аноним: СРОЧНО!!!!


Ответ дал: kysik50


I will go to the hospital tomorrow

I will do this again

I will be good scientist

I will write short stories

i 'll see you

I 'll tell you about it

I will sing the song

I will wear a yellow tshirt

I will work with my friend

I will give you a chance

Ответ дал: 34579319



1. I shall go for a walk tomorrow.

2. We will find your key tomorrow.  

3. The project will be presented next Tuesday.          

4. He will come here tomorrow.        

5.  I will run every morning next summer.        

6. They will go to the cinema, buy some snacks, and watch good movie next Monday.  

7. The great storm will be tomorrow.

8. Anyway she will fly away.

9. The dawn will come soon.

10. I’m afraid she won’t come here on time.

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