4 ob 2 Complete the sentences with: . outlaw leader owns wedding gathered burst guards.title shout . escape 1 Linda looked beautiful on her ...... day 2. The firefighters ........... the door open and saved them 3. You don't have to ..............., I can hear you, 4 He ........... a small house by the sea 5 There were two ...... outside the building 6 Robin Hood was a[n) ................ who lived ( in Sherwood Forest and stole money from the rich to give it to the poor. 7 He jumped out of a window to 8 The present duke got the ................ from his father 9 Robin Hood became the ...... of a group called The Merry Men, 10 In the evenings, the children around the fireplace and sang songs.​


Ответ дал: emmikkennelly
1. Wedding
2. Burst
3. Shout
4. Owns
5. Guards
6. Outlaw
7. Escape
8. Title
9. Leader
10. Gathered


azizskopeeva83: спасибо
oralbajaazan33: Спосибо но в зведочкке я случайна 1 поставил
Ответ дал: gftdt875


Good luck



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