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I like animals and I want to be a vet. I go to the zoo when I have spare time to watch the behavior of (1. слово) favorite animal. It is panda bear. It is one of the (2. cлово) animals in the world. It (3. слово) in China in the jungle. It is a big animal up to two meters tall. It has got a coat of long black and white fur. It east bamboo, plants and sometimes fish. It is very fanny. My little sister Annie who is free years (4. cлово) than I am often goes to the zoo with me. She (5. слово) to be a vet, she'd like to be an actress.
Варианты ответа:
1. mine, my, our, ours
2. rarer, less rare, rare, rarest
3. has lived, is living, lives, lived
4. younger, elder, young, youngest
5. wants, doesn't want, didin't want, wanted


Ответ дал: KrutayaAysu


1. my

2. rarest

3. lives

4. younger

5. doesn't want

Ответ дал: PollyTwix


1. my

2. rarest

3. lives

4. younger

5. doesn't want

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