Explore verbs with prepositions 6 * Match the sentence beginnings (1-6) with the sentence endings (a-f). 1 Tomorrow at school, we're going to learn 2 How much are you going to pay 3 When I woke up I was dreaming 4 I don't want to watch TV so I'm going to listen 5 I can't go out now because I'm waiting 6 I don't want to spend more than £600 a on a new computer. b to some music for a while. c for the car you're buying? d about scoring a goal in the World Cup final! e about the history of Poland. f for my friend to arrive.

комектесндершы плииисс ​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1 Tomorrow at school, we're going to learn e about the history of Poland.

2 How much are you going to pay c for the car you're buying?

3 When I woke up I was dreaming d about scoring a goal in the World Cup final!

4 I don't want to watch TV so I'm going to listen b to some music for a while.

5 I can't go out now because I'm waiting  f   for my friend to arrive.

6 I don't want to spend more than £600 a on a new computer.


asemazavr: аоаоа спасибооо :33
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