1. Образуй сравнительную и превосходную степень
Interesting -
Bad -

2. Вставьте в предложение прилагательное в нужной форме
1. He is the…………(good) student in our class.
2. January is the (cold) month of the year.
3. This book is … than that one. (interesting)
4. The Volga is the … river in Russia. (long)
5. My mother is ( tall ) than I am.
6. My father is … than yours. (old)
7. Misha is the … pupil in the school. (good)

3.Переведите на английский.
1.Этот фильм – самый интересный.

2 Слон – самое большое животное.

3.Земля больше чем Луна.

4.Найдите лишнее слово:
1.Better, good, worse

2.Happier, friendly, sunnier

3.Fattest, saddest, best

4.Taller, loudest, cleverest

4. Исправь ошибки:
1.Mike is the kind boy.

2.Winter is coldest than summer.

3.Monkeys are funny than cats.

July is the hotter month .

Her picture is bader than Henry’s.

Dogs are funnyer than mice.


Ответ дал: noname6118
fat- fatter, the fattest
strong-stonger, the strongest
funny-funnier, the funniest
small-smaller, the smallest
interesting - more interesting, the most interesting
nice-nicer, the nicest
bad-worse, the worse
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