When we report a question:
1 We use the verb — to report a question.
2 The word order in reported questions
is the same as in statements: the
subject comes before the verb and
we don't use or did.
3 When we report yes / no questions,
- or whether.
When we report a command or a request:
4 We use a reporting verb + object +
infinitive with —. We usually use
the reporting verb tell for reported
commands and ask for requests.
5 For negative commands, we add —
after the object.
we use
Mere practice


Ответ дал: infakrt

1. ask

2. do

3. if

4. to

5. not

Ответ дал: melody1cute


1 ask

2 do

3 if

4 to

5 not

Это было очень легко и я не списала (*) с ответов я просто очень хорошо знаю английский

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