там в тексте всё написано



Ответ дал: bykova25


One Sunday Agnes and her mother went to the zoo. Agnes was very excited. She was interested in everythig she saw.

"Mother, look" she said. "There (is) a monkey in this cage. It (is eating) an apple. Now it (is giving) a bite to another monkey. I (think) monkeys (like) apples very much."

"Yes, dear," said her mother.

"Now I (want) to go and see the lions and tigers. Where (are they living), mother?"

"In that big house over there. Come along."

Agnes enjoyed herself very much in the lion house. "Mother," she said, "the tiger (wants) a drink: it (is going) to the dish of water there in the corner. And the lion (is looking) right at me. Do you (think) it (wants) to eat me up? When do the lions and tigers (have) their dinner, mother?"

"The keepers (bring) them great pieces of meat every day at four o'clock. And they (make) a big noise before their dinner time, so everybody (knows) they (are) hungry."

Аноним: Здравствуйте вы не могли бы мне помочь по английскому пожалуйста
bykova25: давай попробую
bykova25: пиши;
Аноним: у меня в профиле есть вопрос можете на него ответить
bykova25: какой это учебник?
bykova25: как срочно?
Аноним: до завтра
bykova25: ок, помогу
bykova25: попробуй в следующий раз воспользоваться сначала поиском на этом сайте. первые два задания я нашла здесь
Аноним: я искала но там не вышло
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