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You don't have to go far to find 10 (USUAL) buildings in Moscow. In the very centre, for example, on Myasnitskaya Street, there is a bright house with a clear reference to Oriental style. There are unique 11 (DECORATE) on its front part: dragons, snakes, and ornament. The building was owned by a merchant Sergei Perlov, who invited the 12 (FAME) architect Roman Klein to design it. The 13 (OWN) of the building was a tea merchant. He wanted to make the house more recognisable and show his 14 (CONNECT) with Chinese tea market, so he asked Carl Gippius to add oriental decorative elements to the walls.​


Ответ дал: Лусушка
10 unusual
11 decorations
12 most famous
13 owner
14 connection
Ответ дал: Аноним


10) Unusual

11) Decorations

12) Most famous

13) Owner

14) Connection

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