First conditional:
I'll stay at home if it rains.
We use it when we talk about something which is a strong possibility.
Sentence structure: If + Simple Present (V1) , Future Simple (will + verb V1)
If I travel to London, I will visit The Tower.
Pat will be late if she doesn't hurry up.

If it rains, you _____________ (to take) an umbrella with you.
If you ___________ (to work) harder, you will pass the exam.
If you _________ (to be) not sure of what to do, you can ask Tom.
If I have enough money, I __________ (to go) to China.
If you drive fast, you ___________ (to have) an accident.
If you go to bed earlier, you ________ (not/ to be) so tired in the morning.
Watch out! If you ______ (touch) that lamp, you will get a shock.
If I see Tom tomorrow, I ________(give) him the books.
Betty won't pass her exam unless she ______(study) harder
If you _____(not /water) this sunflower, it will die.
We _____(have) to walk if we run out of petrol.
You will lose your job if you _______(be) late again..
If you don’t slow down, you ________ (have) an accident.
If we don't protect the tiger, it ____ (become ) extinct.


Ответ дал: pelmeshkaaa12
1) If it rains, you will take an umbrella
2) If you work harder
3) If you are not sure
4) I will go to China
5) you will have an accident
6) you will not be so tired
7) If you touch
8) I will give him the books
9) unless she studies harder
8) don’t water
9) We will have to walk
10) will be late
11) will have an accident
12) it will become extinct
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