Помогите пожалуйста надо составить 10 вопросов с ответами срочно нужно!!! ​


secrymail: качество ужасное у фото. неуважение к решающим за тебя задания людям..
jurayevamuslima31: я знаю у меня качество камера плохая (
jurayevamuslima31: мне просто срочно нужно хотя-бы 5 вопросов
secrymail: скоро допишу


Ответ дал: secrymail


how many records flights were made in the last years of the nineteen twenties?
- hundreds

when did the plane leave the eastern province of Newfoundland?
- om June 17, 1928

what sex were the pilot and engine experts?
(sex - это биологический пол)
- they were man

why didn`t Amelia feel very important?
- `cause she hadn`t flown the plane

what was about Amelia`s book?
- her book was about the flight

How did Amelia call a new plane that had been provided by Purdue University?
- she called it "Flyinf Laboratory"

What was the Amelia`s status for flying across the Atlantic Ocean?
- she was the first women who did it alone

Did Amelia want to go around the equator?
- yes, she did

How many people had attempted to fly around the equator before Amelia with her team had decided to do it?
- no one, actually

Did the plan of fliyng around the equator go smoothly? (прошел ли план главной героини гладко(успешно, без проблем)
- No, it doesn`t. The first sign about any possible problem was after three hours after leaving New Guinea.

jurayevamuslima31: спасибо большое)
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