Where would you like to travel?What activities would you like to do there? Куда бы вы хотели отправиться?Чем бы вы хотели там заняться? напишите пожалуйста на английском 10-15 предложений. про что нибудь знаменитое​


Ответ дал: sataevad
I would like to travel to France. I see a lot of history in France, especially in Paris.
Since childhood I dream about Disneyland. It seems like a wonderful place, which full of joy.
I also would like to see Louvre. One of the most famous museums in the world. It has unique history. I guess that I would need more than one day to see Louvre, because it’s so huge.
Another activity I would be happy to do is to go to Eiffel Tower. This tower is amazing. Sometimes, I imagine how I sit there and drink coffee with croissants.
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