1. What is a natural disaster? a 2. What can a natural disaster cause? 3.What does the loss depend on? 4.When do disasters happen? 6.When isn't a natural disaster a disaster? 6. What turns a natural hazard into a natural disaster?​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. Natural disasters are catastrophic events with atmospheric, geological, and hydrological origins

2. It can cause fatalities, property damage and social environmental disruption.

3. The loss depends on the strength of natural disaster.

4. Disasters happen when a community is “not appropriately resourced or organized to withstand the impact, and whose population is vulnerable because of poverty, exclusion or socially disadvantaged in some way.

5. In order to be a disaster, people must be affected.” In other words, if an earthquake takes place on an uninhabited island and no one is affected, it is not a natural disaster.

6. Natural hazards become disasters when people's lives and livelihoods are destroyed.


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