Juan Dias is a Mexican who now lives/is living 1) in Barcelona. When he 2) (be) nineteen years old he 3) (leave) his native land never to 4) come/coming ( ) back. Juan 5) (work) in a cafb there for three years when circumstances 6) (make) him 7) (go) to Spain to 8) (look) for a better job. So he 9) (buy) a one-way boat ticket to Barcelona.While 10) (swim) in a deck-pool he 11) (see) a nice-looking woman 12) (stare) at him. Later on Mercedes (such is the woman’s name), who 13) (be) on holiday in South America, 14) (suggest) that Juan 15) (visit) her in Barcelona. She 16) (promise) that 17) he (introduce) to her cousin, who 18) (own) a popular restaurant at the seaside. “How long 19) he (have) it?” 20) (inquire) Juan 21) (think) of the wonderful opportunity 22) (find)a good job. Mercedes 23) (reply) that her cousin 24) (own) the business since his father 25) (die) five years before.26) (Arrive)in Spain, Juan 27) (go) to the restaurant with his new girl friend where 28) he (introduce) to her cousin. Now Juan 29) (be) a barman there and he 30) (have) the time of his life. It 31) (be) the first time he 32) (feel) so happy! He 33) (travel) already to many European countries and now only 34) (wish) Mercedes 35) (agree) 36) (become) his wife. What good luck! Just 37) (imagine) that it 38) (can) never 39) (happen) if 40) (take) a different boat!


Ответ дал: madinaabdulkhaeva07


1) lives

2) was

3) left


5) worked


7) went


9) bought

10) swimming


12) staring. 13) was. 14) suggested. 15)visited. 16) promised. 17)will introduce. 18)owns

19) having. 20) inquired. 21) 22) to find

23) replied. 24). is owning 25)died. 26) Arriving. 27)went. 28) introduced. 29)is. 30)is having 31)is. 32) feels. 33)had traveled. 34) wishes. 35)will agree. 36) to become. 37) imagine. 38)could. 39)happen. 40) took

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