at b) Complete the sentences with adjectives from the completed table. 1 This is the nicest thing Tommy has ever done. 2 Mary is one of people I know; she makes regular donations to charity. 3 Be careful lifting that box, it's ......... than you think. 4 I believe war is thing that can happen in a country. 5 The weather today is than yesterday. It has been raining since morning. 6 Can't you be a bit and stop making jokes all the time? 7 Many people visit Spain in August because it is .... month of the summer. 8 Beth is in our family; nothing upsets her. 9 Try to be a bit .... Our wait will soon be over. 10 13-year-old Jordan Romero is * person *** person to climb Mt Everest​



Ответ дал: bemidji


2. the most generous

3. heavier

4. the worst

5. worse

6. more serious

7. the hottest

8. the happiest

9. more patient

10. the youngest

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