Complete the gaps with: can, can't, may, might, should. There can be more than one answer. 1 You can't proceed when the light is red. 2 When the doors open, you . ...... get off the bus. 3 You ............. always buy your ticket in advance. It's my advice. 4 4 They ................... cancel the flight because of the storm, but we don't know yet. 5 I have a ticket for the number 10 bus? 6 We ........... go early to the station. It's a good idea. 7 1 .......... park my bike there. It's for cars only. 8 you tell me when the bus​


Ответ дал: timautkin379

1 You can't proceed when the light is red. (запрет)

2 When the doors open, you can get off the bus. (возможность)

3 You should always buy your ticket advance. It's my advice. (совет)

4 They may/might cancel the flight because of the storm, but we don't know yet. (предположение)

5 Can I have a ticket for the number 10 bus? (вопрос-просьба)

6 We should go early to the station. It's a good idea.

7 I can't park my bike there. It's for cars only. (запрет)

8 Can you tell me when the bus arrives, please?​ (вежливая просьба)

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