Complete the questions with a tag.
1 He’s your cousin, ________________?
2 That’s Red Square, ________________?
3 This car uses petrol, ________________?
4 We haven’t met for ages, ________________?
5 He will send this letter, ________________?
6 Lora can’t play tennis, ________________?
7 We had a good time, ________________?
8 Nick hasn’t done his homework, ________________?
9 They didn’t like the film, ________________?
10 You had to leave early yesterday, ________________?

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Ответ дал: sat045034


1)isn't he

2)isn't it

3)doesn't it

4)have we

5)won't he

6)can she

7)hadn't we

8)has he

9)did they

10)didn't you

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