помогите плиз срочно ))))​


karakatesek: Это всё делать?
nurainurlybekkyzy84: да
karakatesek: Окей
nurainurlybekkyzy84: хорошо


Ответ дал: karakatesek
1 Who is Amancio Ortega?

He is The person

behind Zara. He is the richest

man in Spain, but very lew people know his face.

2.What is unusual about him?

Although he is a

multimillionaire businessman, he doesn't look

like one. He doesn't like wearing suits or ties and

prefers to wear jeans and a shirt.

3.What was his first job?

When he was young. he worked as a salesperson in a clothing store. but h

always dreamed of having his own business.

4.When did he open the first Zara store?

In 1975, al the age of 40. he opened

his first clothing store in La Coruna, a city in northwest Spain and named it


5. Where are there Zara stores now?

Now you call find Zara stores all over the world. from New York to

Moscow to Singapore.

6.What are the secrets of Zara's success?

The main reason is that Zara reacts extremely quickly to the latest designer

fashions and produces clothes that are fashionable but inexpensive. Zara

can make a new line of clothes in threethreethreethree
2 1False,2Trye,3doeshn't say,4trye


nurainurlybekkyzy84: спасибо
nurainurlybekkyzy84: это точно?
karakatesek: Да конечно
nurainurlybekkyzy84: а ты можешь в первом задание просто буквы написать тип в первом такая та буква
nurainurlybekkyzy84: пожалуйста?
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