Измените предложения из активного залога в пассивный, внесите необходимые изменения.

Last week we painted our house. – Our house was painted last week.
1) The storm has ruined a lot of houses in the village. -
2) Students are doing the course paper at the moment.
3) They make the salad with eggs, onions and mayonnaise.
4) The guard will close the door after the lesson.
5) At 6 p.m. yesterday we were sitting at home and watching TV.
6) You can write the letter tomorrow.
7) They saw a man running out of the bank.
8) Mary hasn't written the postcards yet
9) The mechanic will repair our car on Saturday.
10)Had Jack ordered the pizza?
11)The shop won't deliver our furniture until Monday


Ответ дал: vertu345

2) The course paper is being done by the students at the moment.
3) The salad is made with eggs, onions and mayonnaise.
4) The door will be closed by the guard after the lesson.
5) At 6 p.m. yesterday we were sitting at home and TV was being watched by us.
6) The letter can be written tomorrow.
7) A man was seen running out of the bank.
8) The postcards haven't been written by Mary yet.
9) Our car will be repaired by the mechanic on Saturday.
10)Had the pizza been ordered by Jack?
11) Our furniture won't be delivered by the shop until Monday.
Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1)  A lot of houses in the village have been ruined by the storm.

2) The course paper is being done by the students at the moment.

3) The salad with eggs, onions and mayonnaise is made by them

4)  The door will be closed after the lesson by the guard.

5)  TV was being watched by us at home  at 6 p.m. yesterday

6)  The letter can be written by you tomorrow.

7) A man running out of the bank was seen by them.

8)  The postcards haven't been written by Mary yet.

9)   Our car will be repaired by the mechanic on Saturday.

10) Had  the pizza been  ordered by Jack?

11)  Our furniture won't be delivered by the shop until  Monday.


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