Пожалуйста нужно описать. Картинку 1 из 3 , помогите)))))))



Ответ дал: mejngardslava


1.Мальчик помогает с уборкой на кухне 2.Девушка фоткается у метро 3.Мужик гуляет по улицы. На английском 1.The boy helps with cleaning in the kitchen 2.The girl takes a picture in the subway 3.A man walks on the streets

Ответ дал: nonameyaxz


фотография номер 3


I'd like to describe picture number 3. The picture was taken outside. The weather is fine. It is sunny and cold. The man is in the park. Looking at this picture I get the impression that he is walking. The man is wearing purple shirt and blue jeans. In his hands he has a brown bag. He is about 28 years old. He has dark hair. I like the picture because it is full of positive emotions. That's all I want to say.

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