5.UE3 Put the adjectives in brackets 8 into the comparative. 1 Tigers are ................... (fast) than panthers. (many) 2 They live for years than panthers. 3 Tigers are ................ (heavy) than panthers. (long) (strong 4 A tiger's tail is ....... than a panther's. 5 A tiger is ........ than a panther. 6 Tigers are than panthers (powerfu​


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


1 Tigers are faster than panthers.

2 They live for more years than panthers.

3 Tigers are heavier than panthers.

4 A tiger's tail is longer than a panther's.

5 A tiger is stronger than a panther.

6 Tigers are more powerful than panthers.




1 Тигры быстрее пантер.

2 Они живут дольше, чем пантеры.

3 Тигры тяжелее пантер.

4 Хвост тигра длиннее, чем у пантеры.

5 Тигр сильнее пантеры.

6 Тигры более могущественны, чем пантеры


bajzumasania: спасибо
DubrovinDmitrii: огромнейшее спасибо
alinkin4164: спасибо
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