3 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple and the past perfect in each sentence. 1 Sarah — (never / try) 'Kazakh meat' before she _ (travel) to Kazakhstan. 2 1 - (not / remember) his name, but I was sure I — (meet) him before. 3 Galymzhan_ (be) hungry because he (not have) breakfast. 4 After we — (pack) our suitcases, we — (go) to the airport. 5 Before they — (travel) to Japan, Inzhu and Bibugul, they —— (visit) Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan 6 Kamilla — (know) Petropavl so well because she - (grow) up there.​



Ответ дал: Samira20222


1 had never tried/travelled

2 did not remember/had met

3 was/had not have

4 had packed/went

5 travelled/had visited

6 knew/had grown


kpa2007e: спасиибаа
ftaivakhunova: Эт правильн?
zakupbekovadarina: Да
sholpanaahmetova23: что именно надо писать?
sholpanaahmetova23: можете подсказать
sholpanaahmetova23: срочно надо
akmaralmusina33: Всё
sholpanaahmetova23: а да? ок спс
Ответ дал: sultankuanishev6



1.Sarah never tried kazakh meat before she had traveled to kz

2.i don`t remember his name,but i was sure i had meet him before

3.Galymzhan was hungry because he hadn`t has breakfast

4.After we packed our suitcases,we had gone to the airport

5.Before they traveled to japan,inzhu and bibigul,they had visited mongolia and kyrgyzstam

6.Kamila knew petropavl so well because she had grown up there

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