Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in parentheses. ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. Leaming English is (easy) learning maths 2. Mary is (tall) in the classroom. 3. Frank Sinatra is (popular) jazz singer in the worid 4.Villages are (attractive) cities. 5. I think The Goofather is (good) movie of all time. 6. English is (easy) italian 7. I.m (happy) person in the world.8. Our classroom is (small) classroom in the school 9. Messi is (talented) footbaler in the world 10. My brother is (handsome) your brother 11. Rome is (beautiful) Amsterdam 12. Cheetah is (fast) animal in the world 13. Our janitor is (short) man in our school. 14. In my class (pretty) girl is Mary​


Ответ дал: zinchenkoleoua



2.the tallest

3.the most popular

4.more attractive that

5.the best


7.the happiest

8.the smallest

9.the most talented

10.more handsome

11.more beautiful than

12.the fastest

13.the shortest

14.the prettiest

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