In pairs, complete the sentences and read them to your partner. Guess if your partner's suggestions are true or false.
1 I was writing an essay when_
2 While I was watching the most exciting part of my favorite program _ 3 We were winning the game when_ 4 A friend was telling me something really important when_ 5 While I was trying to fall asleep...


Ответ дал: Question193


1. I was writing an essay when i was home. (True)

2. While I was watching the most exciting part of my favourite program i was at school (False)

3. We were winning the game when we had a support from our fans (True)

4. A friend was telling me something really important when i was playing football (False)

5. While I was trying to fall asleep i was thinking about present day.


1. Я писал эссе когда я был дома ( Правда)

2. Я смотрел самую интересную часть моей любимой программы в школе (Неправда)

3. Мы выигрывали когда наши болельщики поддерживали нас (Правда)

4. Друг говорил мне что то важное пока я играл в футбол (Неправда)

5. Когда я пытался заснуть я думал о сегодняшнем дне (Правда)

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