1 Choose the correct variant.
1) She read / was reading when mother came.
2) Dad was sleeping while mother cooked / was cooking dinner.
3) They did / were doing yoga at this time yesterday.
4) We were going to the theatre when we met / were meeting him at the bus stop.
5) What were you doing when your brother watched / was watching TV?
6) Was it fine, when you skied / were skiing?
7) The girls were dancing when the music stopped / was stopping.
8) I listened / was listening to opera all evening yesterday.
9) He stayed / was staying at his place from 1 to 5 o’clock yesterday.
10) The sun was shining while we sailed / were sailing.

2 Complete the sentences with Past Simple and Past Continuous
1) The wind____________(to blow) when we____________ (to be) in the open sea.
2) She____________(to watch) the children play.
3) They____________(to leave) when she____________ (to arrive).
4) I ____________(to travel) abroad when I ____________ (to get) his letter.
5) She____________(to drive) when she____________ (to see) me in the street.
6) It____________(to rain) all the evening yesterday.
7) When I ____________(to enter) the classroom, everybody____________ (to sit) at
the desks.
8) My friend____________(to work) at 1 o’clock yesterday.
9) We____________(to have) breakfast when the postman____________ (to come).
10) Mary____________(to get) ready for the exam while I ____________ (to read).

eytanl: пжпж
eytanl: уже не надо спасибо


Ответ дал: Samira2022


1 was reading

2 was cooking

3 were doing

4 we met

5 was watching

6 were skiing

7 was stopping

8 was listening

9 was staying

1 was blowing/were

2 watched

3 were leaving/arrived

4 was travelling/got

5 was driving/saw

6 was raining

7 entered/were sitting

8 worked

9 were having/came

10 was getting/was reading


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