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Ответ дал: antisasha1008


1) The sportsmen hope getting the best results.

2) She must staying.

3) We decided selling the car.

4) They made him returning all the money he had borrowed.

5)It may costing too much.

6)I am fond of playing football.

7)She's not old enough driving a car.

8)I can't stand watching stupid videos.

9)I would like being a musician when I'm older.

10)He went to the gym without eating any dinner.

11)Do you fancy going to the cinema now?

12) I would rather not telling them about it.

13)We are happy inviting to the party.

14)He came here speaking to me,not to you.

15)Listening to music is my hobby.

vdinlaa1: Там не везде -ing, тут и инфинитив есть , в том то и дело
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